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Meet the Visionaries


Arya is a left handed creative soul. She is known to love rainbows, rocks, space, broccoli, and anything that has to do with art. She doesn’t pass a homeless person without giving some pocket change. She is inspired by Joan of Arc, Leonardo Di Vinci, and Albert Einstein.

Fun Fact!
You might be surprised to know that when Arya was 3 years old, a man walking the streets of San Francisco unexpectedly stopped and put a Cobra snake around her neck to hold] That was when her love for reptiles sparked!


Amiya was born 13 minutes after her twin sister Arya. She came out of the womb twirling, cartwheeling, and jumping. She has a passion for being super organized, reading, gymnastics, and eating anything sweet. She usually wins at hide and go seek because she has a talent of curling into a small ball in the tiniest of places. Amiya wants every child around the globe to be able to get an education because it should not be a privilege. She is continually inspired by Malala Yousafzay and Anne Frank.

Fun Fact!
Amiya is always thinking of inventions to help the future. She has a notebook dedicated solely to list her inventions just like Leonardo Di Vinci!