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Cupcakes for a Cause

Because some people cannot afford masks, we had a summer project that found a way to give them masks. We baked cupcakes and made fliers to put around our neighborhood. That way people would buy cupcakes and the money they gave would go to buying reusable masks for the Cleveland City School District.

The flavors were carrot, funfetti, and chocolate, and the cupcakes cost $2 each. On the flier, we put our email, so they could email us their quantity and flavors of the cupcakes. We emailed them back, saying when we would drop off the cupcakes, and then we made the cupcakes and walked to their house to drop them off. Our project was very successful. Overall, we sold 68 cupcakes, and made $234, which was enough to buy 157 masks for the Cleveland City School District! Now a lot more kids can have masks to keep others around them healthy!

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